I LOVE Thanksgiving! It is my all time favorite holiday. Our friends from Dallas travel up every year and we combine Thanksgiving dinners, the food and fellowship is superb. This year was a little different. Our friends came early to see me in the musical.
The musical was fun. I enjoyed every moment, I got to play the "swing" and fill in for people who weren't there during the dress rehearsals. It was a lot of fun. I enjoy the spur of the moment, racking my brain to remember the persons lines and where they are on stage.
God is doing some crazy things in my life... It seems like the "word of the day" is faith. A lot of things are up in the air right now, mainly like what to do with my future. It'll be interesting to see what God has for my future. In a way I'm enjoying the ride, but its hard to be patient sometimes and wait to see whats going to happen.
I hope you all are doing well in cyber-land.
Raychel Raye
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Life... What am I after? Life what does it mean?
Those are the lyrics to some song... I think its a Broadway musical but I couldn't tell you for sure.
Wow! I've been crazy busy. I haven't had the time to update lately. We only have 3 weeks left until the play and my life has been insane!
The biggest things, is that 2 of my best friends got boyfriends within a week of each other. It is exciting to get a front row seat to all of this, but weird to think that we're at the age where these relationships could potentially last... I see my friends and their boyfriends choosing people that they are compatible with on more than just the "I think your hott" level. But they are making decisions based off of character and life values. But that is another blog for another day.
One thing I wanted to blog on is the recent election. I am the last person that should be talking because I didn't keep up with any of the politics I just know that I personally didn't like either of the candidate. But I been watching facebook and the freak out is ridiculous... people are so ignorant. One, because even though they may think Obama is the wrong choice, they don't see a HUGE leap in history... to think that 50 years ago Obama wouldn't have been able to go the same movie theater as white people in some states. And now we have a black man (or rather half black man) as president, speaks a lot to how America has changed.
The main thing I can't get over is the fact that so many of my friends on facebook that claim to be Christians are the ones freaking out and putting the worst facebook status... We must remember that God is in control. Yes, He gives us a free will, but it is He who allows kings to reign and He allows them to fall.
Another thing that struck me, was when talking to other people how incredibly happy they were. People were telling me that they were crying and today just felt different. One girl told me "it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders". It made me so sad... both reactions have shown me how much we have come to trust man and not God. Even believers, whether you are SO excited about Obama, or you think its the end of the world.
All I have to say is... I am GLAD my hope is not in man. But in the God of this universe who uses the earth for His footstool and heaven for His thrown. He knows for everything there is a time, season, and purpose. And He and only He can change the heart of rulers and people around the world. He knows how many breaths we are going to take, He knows what is going to happen to America and the world as a whole.
I am reminded of a verse, or rather many, but I think automatically to Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." and I just found this one Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."
So for those of us who claim to know Jesus. Let us not look to man to fix or create our problems. But let us look to the creator of the universe. Who knew all this was going to happen before time began. Let us pray as Jesus would have us pray for our future leader, and let us do our part as Americans and Christians and work to spread the love of God through out this land.
My Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He is faithful ALWAYS!!
Love you all,
Wow! I've been crazy busy. I haven't had the time to update lately. We only have 3 weeks left until the play and my life has been insane!
The biggest things, is that 2 of my best friends got boyfriends within a week of each other. It is exciting to get a front row seat to all of this, but weird to think that we're at the age where these relationships could potentially last... I see my friends and their boyfriends choosing people that they are compatible with on more than just the "I think your hott" level. But they are making decisions based off of character and life values. But that is another blog for another day.
One thing I wanted to blog on is the recent election. I am the last person that should be talking because I didn't keep up with any of the politics I just know that I personally didn't like either of the candidate. But I been watching facebook and the freak out is ridiculous... people are so ignorant. One, because even though they may think Obama is the wrong choice, they don't see a HUGE leap in history... to think that 50 years ago Obama wouldn't have been able to go the same movie theater as white people in some states. And now we have a black man (or rather half black man) as president, speaks a lot to how America has changed.
The main thing I can't get over is the fact that so many of my friends on facebook that claim to be Christians are the ones freaking out and putting the worst facebook status... We must remember that God is in control. Yes, He gives us a free will, but it is He who allows kings to reign and He allows them to fall.
Another thing that struck me, was when talking to other people how incredibly happy they were. People were telling me that they were crying and today just felt different. One girl told me "it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders". It made me so sad... both reactions have shown me how much we have come to trust man and not God. Even believers, whether you are SO excited about Obama, or you think its the end of the world.
All I have to say is... I am GLAD my hope is not in man. But in the God of this universe who uses the earth for His footstool and heaven for His thrown. He knows for everything there is a time, season, and purpose. And He and only He can change the heart of rulers and people around the world. He knows how many breaths we are going to take, He knows what is going to happen to America and the world as a whole.
I am reminded of a verse, or rather many, but I think automatically to Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." and I just found this one Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."
So for those of us who claim to know Jesus. Let us not look to man to fix or create our problems. But let us look to the creator of the universe. Who knew all this was going to happen before time began. Let us pray as Jesus would have us pray for our future leader, and let us do our part as Americans and Christians and work to spread the love of God through out this land.
My Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He is faithful ALWAYS!!
Love you all,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Car Wreck
Yes that's right. I had my first car wreck tonight!
The story:
I co-lead a bible study of 9th grade girls and I was taking one of my girls home after our bible study. She lives on the edge of a busy street, and we were waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn into her house. I was stopped and had my blinkers on the the next thing I knew I herd screeching tires and a crash. My car lurched forward and I looked and saw that the car behind me was completely totaled. I checked to make sure my girl was ok, then we called 911. The guy who hit us was ok too, but his car was totaled. My car, at first glance just broke a taillight and the muffler broke off, we'll see what the mechanic says tomorrow. Both our parents arrived on the scene, and my girl was able to go home. I think we'll all be a little sore tomorrow, but God was good and protected us.He also protected my car.
All I could think, was how good God was to protect us. And (honestly) I was so glad my car wasn't as damaged as the other guys. I just kept thanking God for protecting my car. (haha)
You know, life is so incredibly short. And although nothing major happened tonight. Our lives could have been over in an instant. I think many times I as so married to this life, that I forget about the purpose of my life. I get caught up in work, dance, boys, family, fitting in, the whole 9 yards. And yet, all that I am called to be in this life is a light and reflection of Jesus Christ. If I had died, what kind of difference for Christ would my life have made? If you died today what kind of difference would your life make for Christ... wow. Deep stuff (I preaching to myself here)
I hope you all are doing well in cyber land:) I will try and keep you updated often.
God Bless.
In His Grace and Eternal Mercy,
The story:
I co-lead a bible study of 9th grade girls and I was taking one of my girls home after our bible study. She lives on the edge of a busy street, and we were waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn into her house. I was stopped and had my blinkers on the the next thing I knew I herd screeching tires and a crash. My car lurched forward and I looked and saw that the car behind me was completely totaled. I checked to make sure my girl was ok, then we called 911. The guy who hit us was ok too, but his car was totaled. My car, at first glance just broke a taillight and the muffler broke off, we'll see what the mechanic says tomorrow. Both our parents arrived on the scene, and my girl was able to go home. I think we'll all be a little sore tomorrow, but God was good and protected us.He also protected my car.
All I could think, was how good God was to protect us. And (honestly) I was so glad my car wasn't as damaged as the other guys. I just kept thanking God for protecting my car. (haha)
You know, life is so incredibly short. And although nothing major happened tonight. Our lives could have been over in an instant. I think many times I as so married to this life, that I forget about the purpose of my life. I get caught up in work, dance, boys, family, fitting in, the whole 9 yards. And yet, all that I am called to be in this life is a light and reflection of Jesus Christ. If I had died, what kind of difference for Christ would my life have made? If you died today what kind of difference would your life make for Christ... wow. Deep stuff (I preaching to myself here)
I hope you all are doing well in cyber land:) I will try and keep you updated often.
God Bless.
In His Grace and Eternal Mercy,
Friday, September 26, 2008

So I've been reading the book Twilight this week, and I've used almost every waking moment to read it. I wouldn't of said that I was addicted, but I started watching a trailer for the movie and I had to stop it because the trailer was showing more than I had read.
I don't know if I'm addicted because its popular to be addicted to the book right now, or if its because the writing is so good. I tend to lost track of time when I'm reading the book. I would say everyone should read it, but I'm not done yet... I'll let you know what I think at the end.
This week has been good. Exhausting, but good. Wednesday was probably the most challenging day I've had so far. I had regular class, 2 rehearsals which were extremely hard and a lot of choreography, and I took a contact improv class. For those of you who don't know, its a class where you improv your dance moves, but your dancing with a partner. You have to learn how to respond to the way your partner touches you and how to move together.... it was very challenging. It showed me how much of a selfish dancer I am... it was hard to learn to respond to another persons dance moves and think more as a unit than one dancer. I loved the class and hated it at the same time. I think I should go back... yet, I dread the thought of going back. I felt like I did a horrible job, but I think its good to be pushed and stretched.
I just want to throw a shout out to all my wonderful friends who let me stay with them and shower at their house/ dorm ;-) Because of gas, I decided to hang out in downtown for 3 days instead of driving home every night. My friends allowed me to crash at their places and I am extremely grateful!
My family is so awesome too! Everytime I come home they get so excited to see me. I love spending time with my family even though its down to a minimum right now. Its so strange because I see my family less now that I live at home, than I did when I was in college last year. Such is life I guess!!
This week has been great! Moment of honesty: I've been slacking on my devotions this week, and its encouraging (in a sad way) that I miss my time with Jesus... Sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions, but I miss the deep time... more than just a few minutes with my Savior.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Me, I'm going to dance my heart out then hang with my small group girls on Sunday!
Raye Raye ;-)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Raye Raye's Retroactive Review of the Week :)

So yeah, the word Retroactive just popped into my head, and I decided to use it... I generally tend to use the same words over and over, so when I get a new word in my head, I like to use it.
This week has been good...tiring. I found out this week that Vanderbilt is not going to do their certificate program this year. They ended up not having enough applications to continue the program for this year, so now I tell people that I'm taking a year off of college to dance full time. Which I'm ok with. I am truly enjoying this journey.
So, all of Nashville (and probably Tennessee) is panicked over gas. There is none to be found after 12pm. People are waiting for an hour and a half to get gas because it is so scarce. And of course places are price gouging. I think its pathetic, if people didn't panic we probably would have enough gas... the only problem is, now I'm low on gas, so I'll have to join the race to the pump. I really just want enough gas to get me until Thursday or Friday when I get paid.
I'm going to shove off. I have to get ready for church tomorrow, so this is a really random blog.
I hope you all had a wonderful week, and have enough gas to get you through the weekend :-)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sunny with a High of 75 :)

As I opened my window to write this blog the song "High of 75" by Relient K came on... I love that song. It always puts me in a good mood, and it happens to match my mood at the moment.
This week has been good. I'm am completely and utterly exhausted, but I a loving every moment of the journey. Dance has been good. I was really nervous, but extremely excited for the first class. The classes are pushing me to the limit and kicking my butt. But it is a good thing. The teachers are really encouraging. I have a lot of work to do, and once I lose weight it will make the dancing a little easier, but for now I'm doing my best and working my hardest.
Ragtime rehearsals are going well. Stretching me mentally, the choreography for the show in intense and super hard and the choreographer goes so fast when she teaches the moves... its been good though.
The only downside to my life right now is the fact that I don't get to see my family very much. I live at home, yet I leave before my family is up, and get home after my family goes to bed. Its gotten to the point that when I do come home in the middle of the day my sisters ask, "Raychel, are you staying or going again?" Its slightly heart-breaking, but I'm enjoying staying busy.
At the moment I am looking for a good Bible study. I've done the 'reading the Bible' thing... but I want a commentary of sorts, something to challenge me to think farther and deeper than I normally would. I just got done reading Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastics. But now I'm ready for something else... If you have any suggestions let me know. I was kind of thinking of a Beth Moore Bible study. But I don't know... we'll see.
I hope you all are doing well!
Now on to work!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Wazzup Fellow Bloggers!
I know I've been a while... things have been crazy around here. I've made some pretty crazy decisions in the past month.
Long story short... I've decided to withdraw from Belmont and pursue what I am truly passionate about. Therefore I am going to be dancing full time at Vanderbilt University. I will be dancing full time and taking lecture classes on dance, and I will come out with a certificate in dance from Vandy in May. I am SO excited! The first class went well, I have a lot to do to get back into shape, but I am so excited to see what God has in store for me this next year.
Not only do I get to dance, but I'm doing the musical "Ragtime" with Belmont! Ragtime is one of my favorite musicals, and God was so go to allow me to audition and get into this musical. Musicals are very hard to get into if you're a student at Belmont because there are so many musical theater students, and its not allowed if you're not a student at Belmont. But because Belmont needed more African-American people for the musical, they allowed outside people to audition. Hence, I get to be in one of my favorite musicals with most of my college friends, and I don't go to school there anymore. God is SO good!
I am also leading a small group of 9th grade girls with 2 other women from my church. There are about 18 girls in our group and they are all amazing and so unique. I look forward to being with them the next 4 years!
I also teach 2 modern classes a week, and work at Chick-fil-a.
Needless to say, I am extremely busy, but I am LOVING IT!!
I hope you all are doing well!
God Bless,
I still haven't forgotten that I need to write a blog about the Haygoods ;-)
(the pic is me and my Belmont friends during our church's Amazing Race)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My Interest

So, this summer I've been pretty bored, so I've used my extra time to develop my devotion to 2 groups. First group, The Haygoods, a family of 8 kids from Branson. I've always liked them, they have the life I wish I had. I will devote a blog to them later.
The second group, is the Jonas Brothers.
I know, I know. I'm 19. What of it? I never used to be into boy bands. I missed the whole Backstreet Boys and N'Sync phase. So I'm making up for lost time.
I really like the JoBros... My family says I'm obsessed. I don't think so, I mean. I don't have any posters or anything like that (ok, so I have the People Magazine devoted only to them, but thats it)I know their
not the best of singers, but they grow on you once you listen to them.
I really like their songs, because there is nothing dirty or questionable about their lyrics. Also, the fact that they write their own songs is amazing to me. I really respect the fact that they are Christians and aren't afraid to say so. And they also openly wear and talk about their purity rings. I really respect them for their choice to wear rings and not be afraid to talk about it. They also seem to be very family oriented people, and being a family oriented person myself, I really like that.
So there... I have written a blog about my Jonas Love. I don't claim a favorite brother... I really don't care. I would marry any of them ;-)
I hope y'all have a great day!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Update... its been a while
I know its been a while. I've been a hole. I'm trying to get back into the world of communicating with people.
Summer is always an interesting time. It seems to be the making or breaking point for a lot of things. Also, things just seem to get clearer for me in the summer time. I always seem to reevaluate my life during the summer. Hold on... I'm not saying what I want... Lets start at the beginning.
During the Fall Semester of school, things were really rough. I had a good time, but I got really shy and I didn't make very many friends, which for me is very unusual. I got really depressed and just was really hard on myself. I felt like I wasn't a good Christian, friend, or daughter. Needless to say, I began to hate school and my parents forced me to go back for the Spring Semester. They told me to finish at least one year of school.
The Spring Semester was like a complete 180. I was involved in a play and I actually spent time with people. I began to enjoy myself and loved the people and the college I was at. But even though things on the surface were good, deep down I was still depressed and listening to the lie of the enemy.
See, one of my biggest pet peeves is honesty. A lot of times I can tell when people aren't telling me the truth, and it annoys me to no end. I would rather people be honest with me and allow me to react in my own way, rather than them "shielding me" or just being too scared to tell me the truth. Well, the enemy knows my love for honesty, and he began to feed me all kinds of lies. He began to tell me how much of a hypocrite I am, and how I talk like a Christian, but I don't really mean any of the things I say. I began to believe that I didn't deserve the friends I had and that all my life I would be nothing but a lieing hypocrite. I began to try and make up rules on how to be more spiritual,and I would beat myself up whenever I didn't follow those rules. All the time I would pray for Jesus to give me a passion for Him, and show me how to live for Him. Throughout the semester I began to feel like Jesus wasn't answering that prayer, and that eventually lead to my belief that God doesn't always answer prayers.
I knew God loved me, but I started to believe that He didn't care about me. That He was leaving me to fend for myself until I got myself together, yet I knew I couldn't get myself together without His help.
Needless to say, it was a downward spiral.
Let me pause to say, if you are feeling this way right now. That God doesn't care, or that you are a worthless Christian. Let me tell you "THAT IS A LIE FROM THE DEVIL" and I know exactly how you feel. Continue to read.
At the beginning of summer I had the privilege to go to a New Attitude conference in Louisville, KY. I tell you, God knows exactly what you need. I was very much encouraged. I began to realize all the lies I had allowed myself to believe, and that Jesus is there and He does care about me. It has not been easy. A couple of things I learned is that I need to memorize scripture. One of the speakers C.J. Mahaney, mentioned that we need to talk to ourselves instead of listening to ourselves. The best way to remember God's promises is if you have them memorized. Another thing I realized, is that I am saved through GRACE, not works, and not feelings. Too many times I rely on my feelings or my works to bring me closer to God. Grace is what God gives to all of us. No matter how many times we mess up, or think there is something we have to do, God is there with arms open wide waiting for us to realize that apart from Him we can do NOTHING! I imagine Him smiling and laughing as a father would at a child who is trying to do something on their own, when it is completely out of the child's power to do anything.
But I realized that although we are saved through grace, we are required to fight for a relationship with God. Just like how you must fight to set aside time for people in your life you have a relationship with, so I must do with God. So what does fighting for a relationship look like for me? Getting up before my family starts stirring to spend time with God. And I am continually learning about grace. The fact that if I don't read my bible every day, that God is not upset or disappointed in me.
Jesus is teaching me and growing me everyday. I am grateful for the people and family He has placed in my life. But moreover I am grateful for His grace and love and patience and just overall amazingness.
Remember. Jesus is there, even when you don't feel Him. When you think you've gone too far, He's there with arms open wide and a smile, just waiting for His child to grab His hand.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My Personality?
So I took the Myers-Brigg test, and this is what it said. I'm not sure if its all that true about me...
I am: ESFJ
You are:
* very expressed extravert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* distinctively expressed feeling personality
* slightly expressed judging personality
Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.
All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life's meaning) and expect the same from others.
ESFJs are easily wounded. And when wounded, their emotions will not be contained. They by nature "wear their hearts on their sleeves," often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls. Some ESFJs channel these vibrant emotions into moving dramatic performances on stage and screen.
Strong, contradictory forces consume the ESFJ. Their sense of right and wrong wrestles with an overwhelming rescuing, 'mothering' drive. This sometimes results in swift, immediate action taken upon a transgressor, followed by stern reprimand; ultimately, however, the prodigal is wrested from the gallows of their folly, just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost, by the very executioner!
An ESFJ at odds with self is a remarkable sight. When a decision must be made, especially one involving the risk of conflict (abhorrent to ESFJs), there ensues an in-house wrestling match between the aforementioned black-and-white Values and the Nemesis of Discord. The contender pits self against self, once firmly deciding with the Right, then switching to Prudence to forestall hostilities, countered by unswerving Values, ad exhaustium, winner take all.
As caretakers, ESFJs sense danger all around--germs within, the elements without, unscrupulous malefactors, insidious character flaws. The world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted. Not that the ESFJ is paranoid; 'hyper-vigilant' would be more precise. And thus they serve excellently as protectors, outstanding in fields such as medical care and elementary education.
I am: ESFJ
You are:
* very expressed extravert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* distinctively expressed feeling personality
* slightly expressed judging personality
Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.
All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life's meaning) and expect the same from others.
ESFJs are easily wounded. And when wounded, their emotions will not be contained. They by nature "wear their hearts on their sleeves," often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls. Some ESFJs channel these vibrant emotions into moving dramatic performances on stage and screen.
Strong, contradictory forces consume the ESFJ. Their sense of right and wrong wrestles with an overwhelming rescuing, 'mothering' drive. This sometimes results in swift, immediate action taken upon a transgressor, followed by stern reprimand; ultimately, however, the prodigal is wrested from the gallows of their folly, just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost, by the very executioner!
An ESFJ at odds with self is a remarkable sight. When a decision must be made, especially one involving the risk of conflict (abhorrent to ESFJs), there ensues an in-house wrestling match between the aforementioned black-and-white Values and the Nemesis of Discord. The contender pits self against self, once firmly deciding with the Right, then switching to Prudence to forestall hostilities, countered by unswerving Values, ad exhaustium, winner take all.
As caretakers, ESFJs sense danger all around--germs within, the elements without, unscrupulous malefactors, insidious character flaws. The world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted. Not that the ESFJ is paranoid; 'hyper-vigilant' would be more precise. And thus they serve excellently as protectors, outstanding in fields such as medical care and elementary education.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Hello Friends and Family,
Things have been crazy and I don't have a lot of time to write. I did want to let you know that the play is over. I had a lot of fun doing the play, and I am excited to do more. Also, I have decided for sure on a major. I am going to get a bachelor of fine arts degree in theater (emphasis performance) and a minor in music business. I am really excited about this and look forward to my next 3 (or 4) years at Belmont.
Ok, for the really exciting news!! We are adopting!!!!
This has happened so extremely fast. We found out about the baby about 3 weeks ago, and on Monday (the 18) my mom talked to the adoption agency. She sent in pictures of our family for the birth mom to look at and my mom filled out paperwork all day tuesday. We found out Wednesday that the birth mom picked our family to have the baby, and she wanted us to take the baby as soon as he/she was born. (because we didn't know the sex of the baby)
Yesterday a little boy was born to our family. We don't have a name for him yet, but he is so cute and everyone is so excited! I will post a picture, but for now I must run.
God Bless,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Pre-Valentine's Day!
Hey Friends,
How are you? I'm doing ok. This has been a rough 24 hours. I'm really tired and not as far in my homework as I would like. And I continue to procrastinate.
The Play opens tomorrow. I'm excited and really nervous. I feel like I'm just getting into my character. I need more time to get my character down, but I think it will be a good play.
I am very ready for a break. I feel like a lot of things are happening at once, but I keep telling myself, I only have 2 weeks left of craziness, then life will slow down.
Sorry this blog is so choppy, but I'm having trouble forming complete thoughts.
I have decided not to go to Slovenia this summer. I really feel like God said, "not this year". It was a very hard decision. Part of my heart is still in Slovenia, and to leave it there without seeing it almost broke my heart. I try not to think about all that I will be missing out on by not going. I know God has something great planned for me this summer, but I can't see what it is. Right now, I'm just praying for peace and that the people in Slovenia would understand and not feel betrayed or forgotten by me.
Please allow me to vent for a moment. I like college very much, but one thing that is not fun is how big of a deal everyone makes Valentine's Day to be. I was so happy the years before, it was a day where I got candy, got to tell my family and friends how much I loved them, and just have fun. But here at school the question is "do you have a Valentine?" People are freaking out because they don't have a Valentine. I joke about Singles Awareness Day, but some people really take it to heart. They talk about how much they hate Valentine's Day because they don't have a Valentine... I say, WHAT DOES IT MATER?!??!? One day you might have a Valentine. Or not. But its just a day. Enjoy that its Valentine's Day. Just cause your single doesn't mean you can't enjoy the day. In fact being single can be more fun, you can have as many valentines as you want. To those that have Valentines, good for you. Enjoy them. Let them know how much you love them. For those without Valentines. Don't be sorry for yourself. You get the great opportunity to love on everyone the same!
Ok. Thanks, sorry, that was my rant. I love you all so much. Have a WONDERFUL,AMAZING,GREAT AND LOVELY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
This is Crazy!
I feel like my life has been insane right now. I just got back from a super fun, super exhausting weekend with the Jr. High kids at our church. Play rehearsal is good, it makes me tired though. But we only have 19 more days until opening!!!!! I don't feel ready, but it is going to be a wonderful and funny play!
There are many things going through my head right now. I am praying for wisdom in so many things. One major one is if I should go back to Slovenia this year. I really want to go, but I'm not sure if its the smartest thing to do, or if its what God has in store for me right now. I have to give an answer very soon.
Well, I must run. I've got a scrachy throat and a news report to write.
God Bless,
There are many things going through my head right now. I am praying for wisdom in so many things. One major one is if I should go back to Slovenia this year. I really want to go, but I'm not sure if its the smartest thing to do, or if its what God has in store for me right now. I have to give an answer very soon.
Well, I must run. I've got a scrachy throat and a news report to write.
God Bless,
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Back to School
Today I head back to school. This should be an interesting semester. I'm kinda excited to see what God will do, yet I'm really dreading going back to school. This semester I'm taking 15 hours (although, I'm already thinking about dropping one class) My major is Drama and Theater, and I might change it, that is, if I go back to school next year. Like I said, we'll have to see what God does.
My classes this semester include:
Health and Fitness Concepts
Mass Media and Society
American Experience from the
Cold War to the Reconstruction Period
Acting for Camera 1
Broadcast News Reporting
All of the classes will count towards my core classes except the broadcasting class. I'm taking that class because my dad thinks I would be good at broadcasting, so I figured I'd give the class a try. Between these classes and the play, I'm going to have a very busy semester. Not to mention working at the Music Business office on the side. The nice thing about my classes is that I don't have any on Friday!! So that will be my sleep and catch up day!
I hope each of you are well, and have fun at school!!
~Raychel Raye~
My classes this semester include:
Health and Fitness Concepts
Mass Media and Society
American Experience from the
Cold War to the Reconstruction Period
Acting for Camera 1
Broadcast News Reporting
All of the classes will count towards my core classes except the broadcasting class. I'm taking that class because my dad thinks I would be good at broadcasting, so I figured I'd give the class a try. Between these classes and the play, I'm going to have a very busy semester. Not to mention working at the Music Business office on the side. The nice thing about my classes is that I don't have any on Friday!! So that will be my sleep and catch up day!
I hope each of you are well, and have fun at school!!
~Raychel Raye~
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Prince Charming...
I finally saw the movie Enchanted today. It was a cute movie (Plus my I say that both the leading men are extremly HOTT!). But I left the theater wishing that romance happened like that. That Prince Charming would just show up and things would be happily ever after. Just as I start to feel sorry for myself because I don't have that "special someone" I come home to be in charge of my brothers and sisters while my parents are out of town and I am greeted with several delimas. The sinks are clogged, the washer overflows and leaves a huge mess of water, my 3 year old sister thinks she is in charge of everything, and my other siblings wish they were in charge of everything. I am soon thanking God that I do not have to worry about maintaining a relationship of significant status.
I think part of my problem is that I've always thought that I would get married right out of high school, and college always seems like the time when most people hook up. The one thing I hated when I would tell people that I was going to college is when they would say, "Oh, I met my Husband/Wife in college. Have fun!" I think I wasted my whole first semester being too consumed with finding "Mr. Right" I think first I need to allow God to be "Mr. Right" I look forward to this next semester and summer of being the best single for God that I can be.
Plus, I enjoy watching all my friends hook up and grown in God together as a couple.
I'm still holding out for my Prince Charming, but I'm willing to wait a while for him to come.
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