Saturday, August 6, 2011

When I am weak, He is strong!

So this week has been good. Week 10 was the most different week I've ever had at Pine Cove. We had 16 out of the 26 families come to Pine Cove for the first time, and 5 of the families were single mom's. It was such a fun, draining experience, to show families what camp looks like, and for our male staff to pour into the lives of the kids (young boys especially) that didn't have a dad in the home. Although I must say, I had lots of fun, with my breath of fresh air family (shout out) the Casey's.

Although this week was exhausting, I finally got to the point this week that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would do this summer over again knowing what I know now. Up until this week, I couldn't say that confidently. I think this week I just realized the extreme blessing of ministering to people. Although it is hard, it super rewarding, and the Lord has grown me so much, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

(this is where we pause. The first half of the blog was written Saturday night when I was in a serious mood, the second half below was written Sunday morning when I was in a goofy mood with friends)

Here are random messages from my fellow Bluff friends who are at Einstein's with me:

Jk this is Raychel I suck!!!!!!- from Porpoise

Nah this is Raychel and I suck.- From Fish Food

Hangin at einsteins with the peeps. Raychel was a peep the other day...she sucks. - From Patabronia

I love free hugs. - From Audiyoga hugs.encoura-hug.the best day of the week. - From Pitter Patter

You cant beat hanging out with the cool Peeps at einsteins and giving out free Hugs. . . week 11 Here we come!!!!!- From Silly Sing

Raychel is tight. -From G-ma T

As you can see, the people at the Bluffs love me... Actually, they really do, but their love language is sarcasm, you have to read between the lines,
I love these people, they make me laugh and make my heart warm, and amidst all their sarcasm, we understand that we are bonded through Christ and serving together. I am truly going to miss these people. I've already had to say goodbye to a couple of my good friends, this week and it was not fun, But this week I am praying that I would stay attentive to the Lord's leading and that I would die to myself greatly this week. This may be my last time to work at Pine Cove ever... crazy thought. So I need to enjoy and make the most of it... hopefully, I'll try and process all I've learned this summer and write it out for y'all to hear as well.

I'm going to run, sorry for the randomness of this blog.
Talk to you in a week, Lord willing!
In HIm,