Hey Friends,
How are you? I'm doing ok. This has been a rough 24 hours. I'm really tired and not as far in my homework as I would like. And I continue to procrastinate.
The Play opens tomorrow. I'm excited and really nervous. I feel like I'm just getting into my character. I need more time to get my character down, but I think it will be a good play.
I am very ready for a break. I feel like a lot of things are happening at once, but I keep telling myself, I only have 2 weeks left of craziness, then life will slow down.
Sorry this blog is so choppy, but I'm having trouble forming complete thoughts.
I have decided not to go to Slovenia this summer. I really feel like God said, "not this year". It was a very hard decision. Part of my heart is still in Slovenia, and to leave it there without seeing it almost broke my heart. I try not to think about all that I will be missing out on by not going. I know God has something great planned for me this summer, but I can't see what it is. Right now, I'm just praying for peace and that the people in Slovenia would understand and not feel betrayed or forgotten by me.
Please allow me to vent for a moment. I like college very much, but one thing that is not fun is how big of a deal everyone makes Valentine's Day to be. I was so happy the years before, it was a day where I got candy, got to tell my family and friends how much I loved them, and just have fun. But here at school the question is "do you have a Valentine?" People are freaking out because they don't have a Valentine. I joke about Singles Awareness Day, but some people really take it to heart. They talk about how much they hate Valentine's Day because they don't have a Valentine... I say, WHAT DOES IT MATER?!??!? One day you might have a Valentine. Or not. But its just a day. Enjoy that its Valentine's Day. Just cause your single doesn't mean you can't enjoy the day. In fact being single can be more fun, you can have as many valentines as you want. To those that have Valentines, good for you. Enjoy them. Let them know how much you love them. For those without Valentines. Don't be sorry for yourself. You get the great opportunity to love on everyone the same!
Ok. Thanks, sorry, that was my rant. I love you all so much. Have a WONDERFUL,AMAZING,GREAT AND LOVELY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!