So I've been reading the book Twilight this week, and I've used almost every waking moment to read it. I wouldn't of said that I was addicted, but I started watching a trailer for the movie and I had to stop it because the trailer was showing more than I had read.
I don't know if I'm addicted because its popular to be addicted to the book right now, or if its because the writing is so good. I tend to lost track of time when I'm reading the book. I would say everyone should read it, but I'm not done yet... I'll let you know what I think at the end.
This week has been good. Exhausting, but good. Wednesday was probably the most challenging day I've had so far. I had regular class, 2 rehearsals which were extremely hard and a lot of choreography, and I took a contact improv class. For those of you who don't know, its a class where you improv your dance moves, but your dancing with a partner. You have to learn how to respond to the way your partner touches you and how to move together.... it was very challenging. It showed me how much of a selfish dancer I am... it was hard to learn to respond to another persons dance moves and think more as a unit than one dancer. I loved the class and hated it at the same time. I think I should go back... yet, I dread the thought of going back. I felt like I did a horrible job, but I think its good to be pushed and stretched.
I just want to throw a shout out to all my wonderful friends who let me stay with them and shower at their house/ dorm ;-) Because of gas, I decided to hang out in downtown for 3 days instead of driving home every night. My friends allowed me to crash at their places and I am extremely grateful!
My family is so awesome too! Everytime I come home they get so excited to see me. I love spending time with my family even though its down to a minimum right now. Its so strange because I see my family less now that I live at home, than I did when I was in college last year. Such is life I guess!!
This week has been great! Moment of honesty: I've been slacking on my devotions this week, and its encouraging (in a sad way) that I miss my time with Jesus... Sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions, but I miss the deep time... more than just a few minutes with my Savior.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Me, I'm going to dance my heart out then hang with my small group girls on Sunday!
Raye Raye ;-)