Yes that's right. I had my first car wreck tonight!
The story:
I co-lead a bible study of 9th grade girls and I was taking one of my girls home after our bible study. She lives on the edge of a busy street, and we were waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn into her house. I was stopped and had my blinkers on the the next thing I knew I herd screeching tires and a crash. My car lurched forward and I looked and saw that the car behind me was completely totaled. I checked to make sure my girl was ok, then we called 911. The guy who hit us was ok too, but his car was totaled. My car, at first glance just broke a taillight and the muffler broke off, we'll see what the mechanic says tomorrow. Both our parents arrived on the scene, and my girl was able to go home. I think we'll all be a little sore tomorrow, but God was good and protected us.He also protected my car.
All I could think, was how good God was to protect us. And (honestly) I was so glad my car wasn't as damaged as the other guys. I just kept thanking God for protecting my car. (haha)
You know, life is so incredibly short. And although nothing major happened tonight. Our lives could have been over in an instant. I think many times I as so married to this life, that I forget about the purpose of my life. I get caught up in work, dance, boys, family, fitting in, the whole 9 yards. And yet, all that I am called to be in this life is a light and reflection of Jesus Christ. If I had died, what kind of difference for Christ would my life have made? If you died today what kind of difference would your life make for Christ... wow. Deep stuff (I preaching to myself here)
I hope you all are doing well in cyber land:) I will try and keep you updated often.
God Bless.
In His Grace and Eternal Mercy,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
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